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Kenjute International

The ultimate goal in Kenjute is to produce well-educated students who are capable of performing while under pressure. In Kenjute, this is achieved by showing students an incredible amount of martial arts knowledge from eight major areas (elements) of study.
Every student is different because of personal interest, age, body type, experience, and ability. As such, each will tend to pick their favourite techniques to excel in. Students have access to all eight elements of study allowing them to be more versatile and able to perform at a much higher level.
Realistically no one will “master” every skill and technique. However, exposure to such an expansive curriculum WILL produce well-rounded students who can attain a high level of proficiency in all areas and perhaps “mastery” in some. Another key point to understand is that although Kenjute teaches a broad range of martial arts knowledge and skills to address consumer demands, at the very core of all training is practical and effective street self-defence – both empty-hand and with weaponry.
Element #1 – 413 Fundamentals include: 17 Stances, 27 Blocks, 62 Upper Limb Strikes, 55 Lower Limb Strikes, 3 Break Falls, 3 Ground Positions, 7 Rolls, 34 Body Maneuvers, 5 Wrist Escapes, 33 Arresting Ground Control Positions, 66 Locks, 15 Chokes, 34 Take-Downs, and 52 Pinches/Pressure Points.
Element #2 – 220 (Empty-Hand) Self-Defence Techniques include: 48 Controls (Manipulations), 8 Introductory Striking Responses, 64 Maiming (Striking), 36 Unique Scenarios, and 64 Intercepts. Additional delivery methods include extensions, compounds & inserts, opposite side, openings, expanded variables, meshing, grafting, and re-directs.
Element #3 –167 (Hand-Held Weapons) Self-Defence Techniques are taught with 19 Functional Hand-Held Weapons.
Element #4 – Special Skills include: Fundamental Skills Drills, Breaking, Bag Work, Shield Work, Makiwara Training, Specialty Maneuvers, Defensive Tactics, Projectile Weapons, as well as Combat and Survival Tactics.
Element #5 – Ancillary Skills include: Strength Training, Flexibility Movements, Cardio Methods, Coordination Drills, Balance Skills, Proprioception/Kinetics Exercises, Meditation/Focus Exercises and General Fitness Workouts.
Element #6 – Theory includes: Goals, Rules, History, Health Issues, Etiquette, Anatomy, Combat Principles, Motion Principles, Survival Skills, Teaching, Leadership, First Aid, Business Skills, Strategy, Philosophy, and more are examined.
Element #7 – 25 Forms include: 11 Empty-Hand Presentation, 4 Empty-Hand Traditional Self-Defence, and 10 Weapons Presentation. All Forms are taught with full "Bunkai" analysis.
Element #8 – Sparring includes: 64 Sparring Combinations plus matches in Point Sparring, Mat Sparring, Continuous Contact Sparring, Open Sparring, and multiple types of Weapons Sparring.